Saturday, September 3, 2011

Bucket Truck Gas Savings Tips!

The ever-increasing gas prices have caused every motorist and vehicle operator to seek fuel-saving alternatives. Some big utility companies are disposing of every one of their older bucket truck models and replacing them with new fuel-efficient versions. When not every company has the luxury or finances to replace their vehicles, they can seek ways to improve their vehicle operation in such a way as to increase gas mileage and turn wasteful habits into savings actions.

There are many ways to increase gas mileage as well as increase the efficiency of a bucket truck. Below are some helpful points to pursue to keep the gas tank from emptying quite so easily!

Regular Maintenance - Consistent vehicle tune-ups will keep any truck running in good condition as well as lower fuel consumption. Tires should be properly inflated according to the manufacturer's recommendations. Quality tires and a proper wheel and front-end alignment will certainly achieve optimal mileage when the wheels are rolling smooth and straight.
Acceleration Monitoring - Constantly changing the acceleration up and down and continually applying brakes to regulate the speed consumes more gas which in turn decreases fuel efficiency. When highway driving, bucket truck operators should maintain an even speed as well as smooth out starts and stops as much as possible. Avoiding 'jack rabbit' starts and sudden braking is also a wise thing to do since both of these habits contribute to fuel inefficiency on the road.
Avoid Prolonged Idling - Whenever an operator is stopped in traffic or any other such circumstance longer than ten minutes, turning off the truck to lessen idle time is a good economical idea. Hybrid bucket truck usage that shuts the gasoline engine down when using the aerial lift also greatly saves on fuel costs.
Plan Daily Route - Another fuel saving tip is for operators to find out what jobs will be done before returning to the home base of operations and plan a fuel-efficient route. Avoiding highway congestion and heavy traffic areas can save time spent idling and unmoving which could be greatly helped by the use of a GPS device with traffic information. Combining jobs together with nearby work-sites can be accomplished unless the task has any sense of urgency. Most customers understand the necessity to avoid extended driving back and forth when combining jobs in the same areas would save a longer trip. A GPS is also helpful for those operators not totally familiar with the work location sites in the area and would avoid either being lost or spending undue idling time looking at maps to secure a location.
Lessen A/C Usage - During hot weather, use the A/C in the bucket truck in moderation. If at all possible, park under shady areas to lower the cab temperature when returning to the vehicle and leave the windows cracked to help with this as well. During the fall and spring, use vents and windows for cooling rather than the A/C on the truck to save some additional fuel cost.
Watch Load Levels - As much as is possible, watch the load on the truck especially when traveling from one area to another. Don't carry any unnecessary accessories that could be left behind for that day and never carry any more of a load than necessary, especially on any trips of longer distances. Lighter loads improve gas mileage.

Gas-saving habits are not developed overnight; they require a certain amount of common sense as well as a constant intentional effort to master such practices. Hopefully the above information will prove helpful in planning ways to increase gas mileage and save expenses on the operation of bucket truck fleets!

Christopher M. Hunter is an expert in commercial specialty trucks. Click here to find out more about Bucket Trucks.

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